Emails & collaboration
More than 90% of cyberattacks use email as the first vector
SHINKA IT studies, analyses, advises and installs security solutions that cover communication channels and the use of new collaborative tools.
In business, the use of IT communication channels has intensified considerably. With remote working, access to these has developed significantly:
- Instant messaging
- Online file sharing
Today, it is important to broaden the spectrum of security to communication and collaboration tools by introducing antispam tools on all of them.
- URL filtration
- Sandboxing
- DLP (Data Loss Prevention) which prevents information leaks
SHINKA IT offers this type of managed service which brings many advantages.
- Reduced workload for your IT teams
- Budget control: monthly price per user
- Reduced final bill

All SHINKA IT teams are certified and receive ongoing training.

SHINKA IT offers advice, selects the best solutions, integrates them and provides maintenance. Find out more Discover our expertise.
Audits & Diagnostics
Analysis of your equipment?
Need a strategic plan?
Obsolescence of your equipment?
Different needs? Expansion of your business?
Need a certified global integrator?
From documentation to team training.
Plans for preventive maintenance and emergency intervention?
24/7 response by trained on-call teams for your equipment.